Stories Lost – YouTube Channel


Introduction I discovered a great little channel on YouTube this morning as I was going through my usual routine. “Stories Lost” is the name of that YouTube channel. My personal YouTube homepage featured a story

The Visitor – Blumhouse


I needed to watch The Visitor twice before I was able to put the story together properly. The first time through I’ll admit it was background noise and I wasn’t paying full attention to the

True Detective – Season One – HBO Max


I held off on watching True Detective for many reasons. Foremost was that I knew I wanted to watch it all at once, well, at least the first season, and second, I didn’t have a

Trench 11 and Deathwatch


Trench 11 and Deathwatch were a couple of movies I watched today. Horror stories based on World War II events in all their amalgamations and guises have turned up in all shapes and sizes ever

Spell – PlutoTV


Usually when I feel like watching a movie I will look through the various streaming services I have access to and will peruse the show bill (movie poster), non spoiler reviews, and various opinions. If

Ragnarok – YouTube – Free


I find it difficult as the years progress to find little gems as far as movies go. I don’t know if it’s my advanced age (53), the culling of my attention due to the proliferant

The Chair – Award Winning Horror Short Film


What makes a good horror short story? Well, the same thing that makes a good horror long story. Originality, a good plot, some character development, and some good visuals. Of course, there are a lot

Tom Clancys Jack Ryan – Amazon Prime


Currently Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan is in Season 3 on Amazon Prime. Amazon Prime brings together comfort video viewing to go with our caramelized popcorn to make that marriage of snacks and couch feel natural

Lunopolis – Found Footage


I discovered Lunopolis relatively recently while perusing various, random top ten found footage lists on YouTube. These lists tend to be similar even among diverse groups of creators, but I specifically seek out these lists