Uptime , SLA’s, and the Nines


Uptime Uptime is the amount of time a server has been in continuous proper operation without needing a reboot. When I was working a nine to five and managing datacenters, servers, and networks, a quick

Quake – Damn It’s Fast in 2022


As I was going through my Xbox Game Pass today looking for something to play, I noticed Quake. Now we all know it’s an old game first released mid to late 1996 if I recall

New Chat System @ Zettabytes.Org – Minnit Chat Integration


We have been testing some various chat sub-systems, clients, servers as well as WordPress native chat sub-systems and have settled on one for the moment for our https://azure.zettabytes.org blog and web site. WordPress is the

Installing PHP on Ubuntu 20.04


You’re going to like this one. So do you just want the damn command so you can move on without having to read more than this sentence? M’Kay, here ya go: What? you can’t read

Installing MySQL on Ubuntu Linux 20.04


So you wanna install MySQL server on your Ubuntu Linux 20.04 box right? No problem, another super duper easy install: apt install mysql-server That will install the latest version in the Ubuntu repositories, that being 8.0.2. IIRC the version numbering has changed

The Perl SSLeay Problem SOLVED Once and For All


Let me spell out the problem real quick. So your on your Linux box and you’ve been coding for years in Perl and now you need to interact with some obscure piece of software that wants to

cowsay and lolcat – more Ubuntu shell commands


If you read my article about fortune, I mention cowsay and lolcat towards the end of that article. I decided to write another article that expands on cowsay and lolcat usage. A lot of my