Shadow Warrior 2 – PC Game


Was going through the titles available on my Xbox GamePass for PC account the other day and found a little gem called Shadow Warrior 2. In it you play a smart aleck Asian assassin/hitman with

Shadow Warrior 2 – PC Game


Was going through the titles available on my Xbox GamePass for PC account the other day and found a little gem called Shadow Warrior 2. In it you play a smart aleck Asian assassin/hitman with

Amazon Prime Games – Gaming?


While randomly going over my Amazon account details, specifically looking at what comes with my Prime Benefits, I noticed a link for Amazon Games. I didn’t even know I had this. I currently pay $11.99

15″ Early 2011 MacBook Pro 2.0ghz – Upgrade


I have a 15″ early 2011 MacBook Pro sitting on my desk which I use as a spare computer and as web browser while I’m working on one of the several computers and monitors at

Crypto Month 4 Check In


Initial investment: $20.00US Current crypto assets: $43.63US Profit: +$23.63 Currently Held: Stellar Lumens Cryptocoin (66.6%) & XRP Cryptocoin (33.3%) Crypto Wallet: Coinbase Future possible crypto purchases: Algorand, BAT, The Graph, Skale, Maker, Tezos, Cosmos. Will