Ring – Japanese Version


No Spoilers The Ring continues to be one of my favorite horror movies. The concept, the screenplay, the cast of characters and plot all came together for what I thought was an engrossing and scary

The Nazca Lines – My Opinion


The Nazca Lines of Peru. Those mysterious geoglyphs spread over acres and acres of the Atacama desert near the city of Nazca. Sure you’ve heard of them. The hummingbird, the monkey, the spider or even

Internet Architecture for Beginners – What are Tiers?


I’ve spent 35+ years of building and deploying internet facing web sites. The front end load balancers and web servers which are tier 1 and sometimes referred to as client application or client tier. Next

Tylenol Murders 1982 – YouTube Comment


I was a kid during the Tylenol murders but I remember it vividly. I remember being scared as a kid. I was smart enough to know what was going on and that made it all

Linux shell commands I use daily


In day to day administration we as system administrators have literally thousands of commands to choose from to keep our servers running in tip top condition. I’ve seen top 10 lists of essential commands every

fail2ban for Ubuntu – ssh port security


fail2ban is a tool in the Ubuntu repository which helps in securing your internet facing ssh port. It uses a simple algorithm to detect repeated login and password attempts to ban the offending host for

Tripwire for Ubuntu


Tripwire is a file integrity checking tool. It’s primary function is notify you of any changes made to files or directories you have selected for monitoring. There are many tools available these days for this

Microsoft Azure Cloud – Installing an Ubuntu VM


After agreeing to the Microsoft End User Agreement blurbs, applying for your free Microsoft Azure Cloud Portal account and taking advantage of the current $200 credit you’re now ready to build your first virtual machine.